School is officially back for 2016, and perhaps you are rejoicing or even shedding a few tears letting go of your baby boy or girl. Either way, one of the biggest hurdles for busy Mums and Dads is the (often dreaded) prepping and packing of the school lunch box, as well as the challenge of delivering a healthy meal to the dinner table to fuel their bodies after a long day of learning.
Whilst some have the time to whip up an elaborate themed offering, let’s face it, the majority of us would be happy to land somewhere in the vicinity of healthy, filling and perhaps with a bit of variety to alleviate boredom.
There are a number of websites out there offering lunch box filler ideas but Kidspot has a few killer ideas to beat lunchbox boredom, many of which you can freeze and roll out when the ham & cheese sandwich rotation starts raising too many complaints.
When it comes to dinner, we can take off some pressure with our ready made meals range. They have been rigorously tested by our kids and pass with flying colours! Favourites in our house are the beef lasagne, cottage pie and meatballs. Visit to view our current menu, rotated weekly to keep life fresh!